Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #23

My favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey was learning to use YouTube. That's when I finally felt I was really playing, and I felt a bit guilty about it too, I might add. Technology makes me nervous. I was surprised I could figure out some of the lessons with little or no "babysitting". My "techie" friends were very patient. I was surprised that I could be of assistance to a coworker - actually, that's when one finds out what has or has not been learned. Working from my computer at home is much easier than using my work computer. Since ours is a gmail address, many processes seemed more automatic than trying to get through all the safeguards at our library.

I am not technologically savvy enough to make recommendations for changing the format or concept. I certainly would need to participate in any other discovery programs. This timing was excellent for me (November and December) since I have no Teen programming during December. I could, then, devote the large blocks of time I needed to complete the 23 Things. I knew I HAD to be done before the new year started since I go back to my busy library routine in January.

I'm hoping that the "23 Things" stay on the website so that I can go back to redo and review. I learned a lot - but then, I had a lot to learn. I feel more secure in trying new technology strategies. Thanks for offering Nebraska Learns 2.0. I do appreciate the chance to learn anything which will be helpful in my work at the library.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #22

Our city firewall blocks many sites so I couldn't RSS feed the Yalsa site I wanted, however, this net site, was accessible so I used it. It has to do with book reviews so it would be good for library use. http://www.netnebraska.org/radio/all_about_books.xml Although podcasts are very similar to Youtube, I find Youtube easier to access at our library. I also cannot access Bloglines because of our city firewall, but I can RSS feed through my google account. Today, January 7, I worked with podcast sites from home. I listened to President Elect Obama's weekly radio address on an ABC News podcast. Also I listened to The Economist, Matthew Bishop on "Philanthropy: How the Rich Can Save the World". Listening to NPR is quite pleasant. Entire concerts can be heard. "Brian Wilson in Concert" was fun to listen to while getting ready for my work day. I didn't transfer any podcasts to a portable device. Also I have subscribed to "Word to Mouth". It is a podcast of women's novels and non-fiction/author interviews and book reviews. It was very easy to subscribe as it had a link to google reader. My home computer is more user-friendly than having to deal with the city firewall.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #21

Where was I in the 70's? I had not seen those commercials. I was raising children - no time for fun and games except the "kid" kind. And then there's the twist! Hooray for the harmony of music in the 60's - BC (before children). I have totally enjoyed this Thing #21. I am now certainly into this "play". Soon, I must resume my regular library work. I will try to copy the code and paste into my blog Celine Dion and Josh Groban singing The Prayer. I added a Jersey Boys video to practice the procedure.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #20

Discovering Web 2.0 tools - I'm getting into this "play"!! What a plethora of possibilities! Our city firewall blocks the fun and games sites, but they let me go to the cocktail builder - interesting! "My Heritage" would be useful at the library for genealogists. "Geni" would help families construct their tree and family history. I couldn't figure out Pandora - maybe the city was blocking that site too.
Etsy was interesting and fun to view and perhaps purchase handmade items. The wide array of internet technologies and sites still boggles my mind. The possibilities are endless. Perhaps this will "empower" me in my computer life.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #19

The Apps provide various ways to accomplish some things which we are already using. For instance, we have access to the calender through other programs on our computers. However, the Apps have expanded applications in one easy-to-access site. It's easy to create google accounts once one is established. That's why google is so popular - (it is user-friendly) and it's applications are so varied. The documents I have saved are mostly in "Publisher" so I uploaded one of mine from "Word" which google favors. I also investigated others that google provided.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #18

I am still puzzled. I followed the directions for Thing #18 and was surprised that I made it work. (I think!) I didn't see that it was happening as I worked through the process. At any rate, I did create my account (easy enough), and added a blog to the Favorites Blogs page. However, I don't know if I was to identify myself so maybe you won't know that I think I accomplished this Thing #18. Adding favorites to books, vacations, etc. also seemed easy enough. I've decided it is a trust issue. I keep thinking "how and why" can this be working. I have to have more faith in technology and more confidence in my ability. Oh, dear!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #15

I found some interesting slideshows. When I went to find them again on another day, the presentations had changed even though I found the same titles. It's pretty easy to confuse me. Our firewall blocked the comment I tried to make on at least one slide show. The city techie is working on this for us. I love searching for, finding, and viewing the creative slideshows which are available.
This will probably be useful when I want to find information which might be of interest to my teens or to supplement lesson materials for Teen Cafe.
Love Quotes
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: love about)

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #17

I had heard of wikis, but I didn't understand the scope and value. At first, I saw it as an unreliable source of information because of the possibility of sabotage. Now I see a collaboration tool for organizing group input to coordinate information. I didn't know how to edit, link, or save. Using wikis to create online library communities was another new idea for me. Maybe meetings which cannot be "attended" could still be held via wikis. This is another communication tool for library "conversations". I have a whole new attitude now toward wikis. I was very suspicious and reluctant to trust the value of wikis. Now I see more possibilities.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #16

Library 2.0 boggles my mind! Could it ever become cumbersome? It seems so overwhelming!! I was impressed with taking our library services to our patrons - with teens, that certainly makes sense. What convenience for our computer literate age-group. Of course, young people turn first to the computer to find everything. We definitely want to be a part of that!! Making our services "user-friendly" is a plus - something we're all looking for. Library 2.0 makes the library available everywhere at any time, barrier-free. My concern is that the public may miss the joy of savoring a book, (the touch, the smell, the feel). It saddens me to think that books may become treasures of the past.