Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #1

When I started this assignment, I had no idea how I could accomplish and learn these procedures. Obviously, I need to learn about this technology. What a wealth of information!

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #2

I'm backtracking! As someone who has spent much time in the classroom, I know it is necessary to be a lifelong learner. Anytime is a good time to learn. A good attitude is imperative. High achievers set goals so my goal is to complete the 23 Things assignment on time. I appreciate the willingness of techies in my library who are guiding my learning. I've always considered problems to be challenges. I want my life to be easier because of my technical skills so I am determined to complete this task. I certainly do realize that to teach is to thoroughly learn - that's the way I've lived my life. The most difficult of the 71/2 Habits is the "play". I do have trouble thinking this is a "play" assignment when I seem to need to work so hard.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Things #3 and #4

I didn't realize I was to post about setting up a blog. I followed the directions for setting up and registering the blog so now I'm on my way.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #14

The Nebraska Library Commission is an excellent source to start with since they have provided much information that I need. The Holdrege Public Library is a fun site with holiday suggestions and how to do just about everything. On the serious side, I found health information with capabilities for assessing personal risk concerns. For Nebraska Access, many tags are well-chosen. Perhaps genealogy would be an additional one to use. I had trouble understanding the use of some tags (ie. imported), however, it must have meant something to someone. In addition to assisting with research, sharing bookmarks with book groups, and accessing bookmarks from anywhere, it would be an easy way to find information on other's delicious accounts.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #13

I'm all atwitter! I searched twitter for mention of my library. I tried a tweet to Seeryus. Sometimes, all I have time for is micro-blogging! I could probably use twitter to remind teens of Teen Cafe activities. Our library could possibly twitter reference questions. Personally, I could check with my sons and daughters-in-law and their families about daily events. I still need to hear their voices, and would rather even see their shining faces.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #12

Library Thing is interesting. In addition to personal use, I might be able to list the books I have used during my Teen Cafe sessions and even the books which were used for Lunch Bunch and Book Clubs so that teens could go to that site to refer to the list .

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #11

Technology certainly expands my world on a daily basis. I am working hard to have fun. The techies at my library are very patient and generous with their time and expertise. I know more about many technologies than I even thought possible. Any technology which connects me with my grandchildren is welcomed at our house. I look forward to "seeing" our KC grandkids weekly with the use of scyp. I am beginning to feel more comfortable with the "new" technologies I'm learning through the 23 Library Things. Truth be told, I relax and have a great deal of fun with my serger!

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #10

So much of Generator Blog seems to lack purpose for my situation. I did make a tag which could be useable for advertising Teen Cafe. (This is the my favorite.) I made some superstickies. Wordcloud was fun. Useable? I'm not so sure.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #9

I was very intrigued with "spell with flickr". Personally, it would be fun to use with my 1st grade grandchild to make spelling more enticing and fun. At the library, perhaps it would be a good way to use graphics in library publicity. There is so much entertainment in flckr, I will need to revisit that site often.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0 Thing #8 Rodeo queen and Teen Cafe group

It was easier to follow directions to proceed through Thing #8. Linking the Flickr site with the blog was confusing. Thank heaven for Sara. I plan to use Flickr to post photos for teen cafe participants to view weekly.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #7

I am understanding the permalink process. In Thing #7, the easiest way for me to find feeds would be to look for the icon on the website. The most confusing was any that required registration - I'm leery of that still. I am reluctant to subscribe in case it might be costly. The Bloglines site is blocked by our firewall.

Nebraska Learns 2.0: Thing #6

Alright! I think I did it! I subscribed to 3 co-participant's feeds by putting the blog URL into the subscribe field. I added the Nebraska Library Commission and the NP Telegraph. Now, if I can get this blog posted, I will have completed Thing #6. I like the RSS feed capability in that I can go to one site to get the information I'm interested in. I will use it daily to check for information I need. Perhaps, a light bulb is going on in my head. I'll know for sure when I try Thing # 7.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thing #5: IM

I just did my first IM with Susan. It was pretty remarkable! Maybe, I'll try it again sometime. Instant Messaging would certainly be valuable for family conferences when distance is an issue - it would be less expensive than a conference call. Perhaps, brief meetings could be scheduled via Instant Messaging to save travel expenses. Our library does not have IM capabilities as of now so references questions cannot be managed that way at this time. I know the Library Commission does offer that service now.